Food & Compost
SDSU has many sustainability initiatives related to food including an Edible SDSU map, campus vegan guide, gardens, compost program, campus grown program, food pantry, accessible fresh produce, Aztecs Rock Hunger campaign, and green restaurant certification.

One of SDSU's largest initiatives is the Office of Energy & Sustainabilities compost program. Our food and compost interns run office compost programs across campus and work to educate on composting.

Residential Communities
SDSU Housing offers compost collection bins in the kitchens of most residential communities and provides personal compost caddies to students upon request. Request a caddy here.

Edible SDSU
The Edible SDSU map showcases a wide variety of edible plants found right here on campus. Learn about the initiative and how to use the map.

Campus Vegan Guide
This guide will give you all the resources you need to find the healthiest foods on campus for yourself and the planet.

SDSU Dining
Aztec Shops' SDSU Dining is committed to sustainability. As part of this committment, SDSU Dining has forged an onging partnership with the Green Restaurant Association (GRA) as well as establishing a "Campus Grown" program.

Food Insecurity
SDSU has initiatives such as Aztecs Rock Hunger and the A.S. Food Pantry to fight food insecurity. Learn more food insecurity.

Brightside Produce
BrightSide Produce is a student-driven, social venture with a sustainable distribution model designed to eliminate food insecurity in underserved neighborhoods.

There are many on-campus gardens including the College Area Community Garden, Hello Walkway Garden, Herb Garden, and many others. Learn more about our gardens.