Compost Program

OES Compost Program

The OE&S Campus Composting Program provides organic waste collection service to offices throughout campus in order to achieve compliance with California’s SB1383, which mandates the diversion of organic waste from landfills. The program began its pilot phase in Fall 2021, and has been rapidly expanding since, with Arts & Letters becoming the first fully participatory buildings as of Fall 2023. While this is a fairly new program, our interns have been hard at work getting more offices and buildings composting, and we look forward to seeing it grow into a campus wide initiative! 

Office Compost Program Sign Up

Progress Snapshot


Total Offices.


Buildings throughout campus serviced each week.

> 500lbs

Amount of organic waste diverted from landfill through our program since July 2023.

Email questions to our compost interns at:

[email protected] & [email protected]